Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kete' Kesu

Kete' Kesu is a district tombs of the blue blood's grave. It's located near the Rante Pao area. From Rante Pao you could ride 'pete-pete' or the local public transportation that only cost 3000 IDR. 

What will you find in Kete' Kesu?
Well it's not only about tombs and dead people, it also have traditional village with it's Tongkonan (it's the traditional house), and art market (really good for souvenir).

For the entry to Kete' Kesu, it only cost 5000 IDR. Very cheap! 
Entering the gate of Kete' Kesu, we were welcome by this big buffalo, tight in a bamboo. We took some pictures of it of course.Then we're heading to this pathway side to side with green padding field with buffaloes doing their mud bath.

At the end of the pathway, we could see soo many Tongkonans. Some of them are actually house, local people live there. Behind this traditional village, we went up to the hill entering the tombs zone...spooky! Toraja has culture to respect the spirit of dead people by making a house for them. There's also stairs up to the cliff. In that cliff there's holes to put coffins.Kete' Kesu is an interesting place, it's the heart of Toraja's culture.

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